国立シンガポール大学 Zhi Ning Chen 教授講演会


国立シンガポール大学のZhi Ning Chen教授をお招きし、講演会を開催しました。
日時 2024年4月23日(火曜日), 16時~17時
会場 小金井校舎 南館7階 会議室
主催 大学院特定課題研究所 電磁波工学研究所
講演者 Zhi Ning Chen 教授 (国立シンガポール大学) 
講演題目Metantennas: Shaping Electromagnetic Waves using Metamaterial, Metasurface, and Metaline

Abstract: The advent of metamaterials has marked a significant paradigm shift in electromagnetic research across various frequencies, spanning from microwaves to terahertz and optics, since the late 1990s. As scientific exploration continues to unveil exciting phenomena, the next phase of metamaterials promises to catalyze innovation in electromagnetic engineering, particularly in antenna technology. This presentation provides an overview of the distinctive electromagnetic properties inherent to metamaterials and addresses the unique challenges encountered in antenna design. Furthermore, it delves into the latest advancements in metamaterial-based antenna technologies, showcasing successful instances of translating research in metamaterials, metasurfaces, and metalines into practical solutions for antenna engineering. Finally, the talk concludes with insights into the future trajectory of metantennas, offering valuable commentary on forthcoming developments in the field.