

講演題目:ビーム走査アンテナ Beam Scanning Antennas
日時  :令和6年12月9日(月) 16:00~17:00
場所  :佐賀大学 本庄キャンパス
主催  :IEEE AP-S Fukuoka Chapter
協賛  :電子情報通信学会九州支部
This talk presents the beam scanning of natural- and meta-material antennas that recently developed for a linearly polarized communications system and a circu polarized communications system.
Five antennas are chosen and discussed.
These are (1) round patch antenna with T-shaped elements, (2) cross metaline antenna, (3) u-shap metaline array antenna, (4) metaspiral antenna, and (5) four parallel metaline ar antenna.
The antennas (1) and (2) realize the beam scanning in the azimuth plane, while the antennas (3) ~ (5) scan the beam in the elevation plane. The antenna characteristic including the VSWR, gain, and polarization, are also discussed.